From director Steve McQueen comes a heist feature blending arthouse drama and mainstream blockbuster thrills in near perfect proportions - Widows!

With a terrific ensemble cast delivering competitively powerful performances, the show was constantly riveting! Characters, be it small or big, left strong imprints throughout the picture due to properly executed set-ups, motivations and relationships exhibition. It is important to note that the screenplay successfully roped in private, personal, professional and societal angles of the story's implications.

The entire sequence of preparation for the heist was exciting to watch, no doubt! Gathering vehicle, firearms, driver, money weight equivalence training, you name it. When the actual robbery went down with a pulsating score for company, it was nail-biting to say the least! Voice modulator, incorrect pin code, escalation to murder to the climax will leave you hanging on the edge of your seat.

Sean Bobbitt photographed the movie expertly! Although the acting performances were the highlights, sometimes the interactions between characters were awkward or overly done. Daniel Kaluuya as Jatemme was cold and too good! Bowling ring assault, betrayers shot while rapping and the final car crash were absolutely nerve-racking! Veronica's (Viola Davis) husband (Liam Neeson) being still alive was an effective twist that helped contrast both their actions after a heist has been pulled off. Marcus (Josiah Sheffie) being killed out of nowhere was a shocking revelation as well.